Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Have Nice Journey Sms

Adios Italy

overtaken by Spain. Watching us from above and tells us exactly ... Italy Adios! No, this is not the FIFA world rankings (which would piss off the vast majority of Italians, unfortunately), but this is the classification of Eurostat on per capita wealth. Spain overtakes us and is gone. The Prime Minister Zapatero's bet paid off. The news adds to the NY Times report on the "sadness" of Italy for a few days ago. In short, two beautiful bundles of Christmas. The times he called Italians "sad and angry," our system "depressed." Beppe Grillo also had quoted a spokesman for defining this anger with his "Reset" shouted in the face to the system. But our defense was playing in a game our beloved President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano., defining the Times article "pure nonsense". Returning to the case Grillo then stated: "With all due respect to the templates that you can take, it is forbidden to take as a model for a well-known Italian comedian understand Italian politics, even if it seems a bit 'too much, you should talk also how they are grown and kept, despite the strong euro, Italian exports. " Maybe, but intact, Eurostat said that a Spaniard of my age, doing my own work and that has the same family situation, has a higher purchasing power than mine. That, according to Eurostat, it is still above the European average (yes, but perhaps the media is "slightly" down after the enlargement to 25?). Maybe, but to make matters worse, the World Bank has compiled a ranking just yesterday in the purchasing power of 146 countries in the world, calculating GDP, exchange rate and inflation. Italy is the ninth, beaten by Russia and India. And even now it is under Brazil. Dear President, you can continue to say that they are all nonsense, but I really feel "sad and angry" and when I read these things, I want to say only two words: Adios Italy.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

How To Make Kundli About Future

Happy New Year Again!

Decameron, the new program has been criticized by Daniele Luttazzi La7 because it "offended" Berlusconi, Dell'Utri and Giuliano Ferrara. The phrase belongs to you (both audible and visible here) was considered offensive to Ferrara. Ferrara offends me every time I appear on television. I was offended when you are done frame while throwing eggs at the TV. Even Berlusconi and Dell'Utri offend me. The second in particular, for reasons well known. It 'time to stop the political satire that is angered by the attack. I feel offended as an Italian all the time "they" are in parliament and insult you menano, do chants, bring banners. I am outraged, I am ashamed to be Italian, but I can not censor them. I only weapon: the remote control. Change the channel and not watch them anymore. So and they should do all right-thinking people of this strange country. The complaint must be made by the people's consciences. If something offends me not look at it. Point.

Article 21 of the Constitution: Everyone has the right to freely express their thoughts in speech, writing or any other means of communication. The press can not be subjected to authorization or censorship.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Are Platypuses For Sale

And two ...

The shooting of the policy continues. Two shots two centers. Before the theft of investigations of "Why Not" De Magistris, now Clementina Forleo disciplinary action against you for requesting wiretaps on the Unipol case. Magistrat investigates the big powers and the powers that be broke down the judiciary. This is no longer a rule of law. I voted Prodi. Prodi and Mastella I want to know whether or not they are guilty of conspiracy, corruption, violation of the law on associations Anselmi secret, fraud, illegal financing of political parties. I want to know if D'Alema and Fassino has to do or not in the Unipol case. I want the courts investigate and tell me the truth. I ask. The priest because I voted. The claim even if there had voted. What makes me most angry is that Italians care little or nothing. They go to the gazebo for Veltroni and Berlusconi. Those interceptions I want to hear. Italians however, are concerned more conversations with Moggi Bergamo and Pairetto, because those sent Juventus to Serie B. D'Alema and Fassino buying a bank does not care about anyone. Meanwhile, Clementina Forleo
undergo disciplinary action. The Public Prosecutor of Supreme Court says, "Punish Forleo. In Italy it is punished because a judge has asked the six conversations between politicians who speak of a climb to a bank. The Forleo has called this "chronicle of an announced event." On Monday, the Superior Council of Magistrates will decide on his transfer. Hopefully not another "chronicle of an event announced." Forza Clementina.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Best Numerologist In Chennai Comments

E 'was born!

Labor is finished, the party came to light only. After 13 years of the Second Republic, the slow process of building the "new" political entity has concluded. No, not the Democratic Party. Nor is the party of freedom or whatever they call. It 's the Democratic Party founded by Freedom Belusconveltroni. We have made it. Now win the election. You have to see if the check will have to put one symbol on the card or will hide behind two different symbols. Should meet soon Berlusconi and Veltroni. Or maybe you have already met, I do not remember. Discuss how to change the electoral law. Or maybe discussing "if" change the electoral law. Model speak French, German, English, Arabic, turkish. Meanwhile, decide that the voter will not be able to choose their candidate. Then they will exchange cards. The defense to me, the inside of you. I infrastructure, justice thou. Celo Celo, noncelo. But sooner or later a fight. Who decides the prime minister? Will pull lots. Or will decide the allies. Those who now "dissociation." An dissociates. dissociates the UDC. The alloy dissociates. The "far left" dissociates (Berlusconi has even said that thanks to him the center-left "gets rid" of the far left). All are dissociated. But then "marrying the project." Why are their own faces on the cards printed above. Greetings and Welcome Guest
single party.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Fixing The Dongle Problem Guitar Hero

Hello ...

If they go, almost contemporary, two big ones. Two Masters. One of football, on and off the field, the other of Journalism. The one with a capital G. It is one of the masters of the area, one 20 years ago that put things in the field today, a lot of pseudo-pundits fill their mouths as if they had invented them. He leaves one who always spoke softly, never a controversy, never over the top. One that seems light years away from the screaming, the pushing, the kick in the ass, by the invasions of the field, by controversy, from the slow-motion replays that characterize today what was the best game in the world. He goes from the hills of Monferrato, where he had retired to make wine, away from the screen, the professor to do on television. He, the professor could have done and how. He won on the field and on the bench. He has won where all others have failed.
It VAA then one of those who have told the history of this country. But history, he has also helped to write it. He, who on 8 September of '43 not to enter the CSR decides to join the movement and joined the partisans in Bologna two years after the allied troops. So one could really tell the story. He leaves after a brief reappearance on television, the television from which was fired because he spoke ill of the government. It was cleansing. They sent him away from the RAI, its RAI. RAI that he had given so much in a half-century career.
We will miss these two masters, will be missed as we will miss that kick and that way of doing journalism. From there, perhaps, tell a story again and invent another version of the Paradise Area.
Niels Hello, Hello Enzo.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Cagex Mollys Mansion Rabbit Hutch

lack of jurisdiction

Mario Lozano, the marine who killed Nicola Calipari at home while carrying Giuliana Sgrena, just released after being kidnapped in Iraq, will not be processed. Lack of jurisdiction. This was decided by the Third Court of Assizes in Rome. Once again, the Italian state sovereignty has been trampled by the will of the United States of America. Nobody wanted a show trial, no one wanted a shame the media, we just wanted the truth. They wanted to understand why the car back home an Italian journalist kidnapped in Iraq and an official of the earthquake that led to the release operations, the U.S. Army comes under fire. We wanted. We wanted to know if it was really a mistake, a fatality, as claimed by the United States. If something went wrong in communications. Or if Calipari and Sgrena were not to return to Italy alive. But not We'll never know. Why the man who fired will not be processed. As we will never know why 26 people died who only wanted to spend a vacation day on the slopes of the red-faced. In a post a few months ago I spoke of the liberation of Rahmatullah Hanefi, the Afghan who helped broker the release of Mastrogiacomo. At the time, and Gino Strada Hanefi acted as mediators with the Taliban. The negotiations ended with the release of Italian journalist in exchange for five Taliban prisoners. Berlusconi and Bush were outraged. They threw shit on the government, about Emergency, which closed the hospital in Kabul, on Gino Strada, on Hanefi. It is not with terrorists, thundered. Much better armed to make a blitz and present the state funeral of Lorenzo D'Auria, the soldier died in Afghanistan. Or those of Calipari. Welcome him as a hero as his coffin is wrapped in the flag. Today's hero, words of the widow of Calipari, was killed a second time. Today, however, no one was outraged. Berlusconi? Absent. Bush? Absent. The government? Absent. The State? Absent. Are present only at funerals. What these people feel ashamed. It does not invoke the lack of jurisdiction.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Second World War Flower Pin

The email I wrote to Levi

The blog of Beppe Grillo, in the post " The Levi-Prodi law and the end of the Net" reports the e-mail Ricardo Franco Levi, author of the absurd bill that would require anyone who has a website, blog, or similar network, must register with a register of the Communications Authority, resulting in forms, stamps and, most likely, various payments.
I, I did my duty. I wrote to this gentleman:

Hello Dr. Levi, are owner of a personal blog that does not read virtually anyone but my wife and 4-5 colleagues. What should I do according to his "fantastic" bill? Register with the ROC? But how do you give birth to such ridiculous things? You commit a lot or are you spontaneous? But then Levi, tell me the truth, but she knows what a blog? And Mr Prodi knows? No, I do not know. You are old. Have you been to the daily paper. A Bruno Vespa. A Mentone. To living. Teneteveli lounges. Do not want none. Let the network though. That's our stuff.

Friday, October 19, 2007

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Last night, finally, Annozero (and if you thought about it once or Vespa Mentana ...) we discussed the case of Vodafone. Following the sale of a business unit of Vodafone, 914 employees (all operators Call Center) were "sold" to a company called Comdata that, with all due respect, far from the telecommunications giant Vodafone as it is today. Employees hired maybe 10 years ago by a company of gender, have planned some kind of life, on loan, bought homes, built families, are today coming to terms with something new, emergent, which has no certain prospects for the future. Indeed, a worker said yesterday, the sales contract about the sale to Comdata and its subsidiaries. " This means that from one day to the other person can go from being an employee of one of the largest and most solid companies in Europe to Pincopallino Ltd, 8 employees that can close, fail, laid off within six months.
Nth result of precarious living in Italy for years, the son of Law 30, of bad governance, capitalism without capital, sales, divestitures, IPOs, climbing, etc ... etc. ... System that leads people to being "safe" to 20 to 40 years old and poor, with loans to pay, children to raise, houses to be built.

Life is Now.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

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I knew ...

I knew it would end like this. Could not end otherwise. It was the story that demands it. The money, incapable of directors, can not change the direction of history.
I knew it. I've always known. I know from 4 December 1994, the day of what we all now know as the "goal against Fiorentina." Beyond the technical act, the story got BEGINNING moments later. The frantic race towards what has since become your Curve. And 'all started there. Is a story that begins with a race like this can not end with a door slammed in his face and a slow walk toward the exit. No, because those races there have been many others, 10 100 1000 cities worldwide. I remember in Turin, Dortmund, Rome, Milan, Tokyo, Amsterdam, Manchester, Monaco, Glasgow, Florence, Parma. Everywhere. And I heard that it will be the last signature, and then is far from the last race. Do not think about it today. It 's over as it should end. But I ... I knew it.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Messages For A Baby Book

three hundred and sixty

are 365 ... morning I wake up at dawn ...
... are 365 days that I expect when I get home ...
... are 365 nights that make me sleep ...
Thank you all.

Happy Birthday Stella.


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Why I have not voted in the primaries of the Democratic Party ... Stop

I opened this blog with a post on PD. This means that already did not believe at the time. Yet I had hoped so much in a single party. Finally, a break with the fragmentation of parties it covers (in negative) our country. Finally a political force in line with the broad paesei Europe. Finally, a response to those who, on the other hand, complained and denigrating a Cozzaglia initials rather than united by a desire to stay in the program chair.
But all that I have not seen. I have seen the merger of DS and Margherita, I saw a frantic race to the highest place of the secretariat of the party, I saw more defections that membership, I have not seen a serious program on the hot topics affecting the country, I saw the birth of PD has led the reconstruction, with so much to dust off the old code ... PSI !!... But they were gone? Or at least, was not called Forza Italy? I saw at the conference, Berlusconi said that the 95% he would be attending the new subject, I saw the primaries for granted, and more I've seen Veltroni promised that once elected secretary of the PD he would resign as mayor of Rome.
And, unfortunately, I saw the usual suspects to grasp this opportunity to respond to alternative movements such as the V-Day, that politics is not dead, that there is disaffection, etc. ... etc. ... denying once again the importance of 300,000 people took to the streets without a party symbol without a flag, only to manifest the desire to change this country. Tuttosommato that I still want to write with capital "P".
Well, I saw the usual scenes of the old, outdated, Italian politics.
For all this, I chose not to vote the primaries.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

V Ideos De Famosas Cogiendo

technological development

Mediaset, the company is headed by former prime minister has clearly sided against the development of modern technologies. There is a site called Vcast ( www.vcast.i t) that allows you to bet a sort of electronic video channels clear: simply set start and end and issuer for a file with the desired entry. A convenient service to those who may not have a VCR or you forgot to program it to record your favorite program. Anything illegal. The service is available only on cable TV channels in the clear, no DTT, no Sky. And what's more, the recording, a self-imposed stating that you comply with the fee. Last night Mediaset has warned the guys that protect VCAST have suspended all registrations on Italia 1, Canale 5, Rete 4 and Boing. Mediaset is owned by Berlusconi, the man who during the election campaign trumpeting its three "I", which stood out clearly among the Internet. Today is changed. Internet is called upon by Mediaset, I do not know precisely on the basis of thing. Mediaset, just her. The company that for years illegally occupies a frequency assigned to the European Court has Europa7 and who insists on not to send Rete 4 satellite. There's really no limit to shame.

Friday, October 5, 2007

4 Days Late And Dry Cm

No comments ...

"I do not like the judge of ethics. The job can 'also create discontent." Annozero said in an interview with Sandro Ruotolo, the prosecutor Luigi De Magistris. "They are under inspection by about three years: this involves both the goodness' of detective work and a case that he's doing, I say this without wanting to be sarcastic, I mean the other for about a couple of years I spend Saturday and Sunday at having to defend, and I've lost count of parliamentary questions on my behalf. "" I have sworn allegiance 'to the Constitution and Article 3 and' a bulwark - added the judge. - I think I've received a lot of pressure and intimidation from their own institutional environments.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Motherboard Usb Internal

Italy Technology ... My

Now it's official. This country is technologically backward. It 'obvious, but most of the Italians just did not I want to notice it. Before there was perhaps a more careful and experienced eye to understand the technologies that every day we were served up were 10 years behind those in other countries. Today instead one of the most famous IT companies in the world (Apple) is launching its latest product around Europe (iPhone) attracting the interest of media and users. In Italy no. Italian newspapers on sites and the jewel of Cupertino is snubbed: it is UMTS, not send MMS. These two points of the many claims the iPhone. These people do not realize that the problem is the country where they live. The iPhone is not sending MMS and UMTS simply because it does not need to be UMTS and does not need to send MMS. The iPhone relies on technologies that are superior to UMTS and MMS. Technologies that are widespread in technologically advanced countries, but they see in Italy "against the light." The iPhone connects to the Internet Wi-fi. Now you can turn to the center of London, New York, Paris easily connected to the Net through a series of hot-spots that offer free access (is sponsored by the shops, bars and restaurants ...). In Italy this does not happen. The hot-spot Wi-Fi is just at airports, roadside restaurants and a few other places. The iPhone does not send MMS, but is able to handle a variety of e-mail account pop / smtp. If I send a picture to someone, in a technologically advanced country, send him an email and avoid spending a euro for a multimedia message. So, as I said before, I'm connected even while window shopping. Around the world, the iPhone is marketed by telephone operators with packages that offer a certain number of minutes of calls and data connection flat. In Italy, no operator does it, who knows why. Italians for their part, complain that the iPhone is not sending MMS and UMTS. The Italians themselves who are happy to have digital terrestrial technology useless when the government has spent € 3 billion public to buy the box from the brother of the premier interactive product.
But we are the World Champions.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Buy Guinness Dog Collar

These days people are talking about politics and anti-politics. One of about 1000 residing between Deputies and the Senate adopted the system Italian political parties based on "the only democracy that he knows." Maybe. But Confindustria (and not the blog of Beppe Grillo) published some data on the cost of politics in Europe and worldwide. Here they are:


  • 1.Italia of € 200.819 million
  • 2.Use 152 million €
  • 3.Germania 132 million €
  • 4.Francia 73 million €
  • 5. Spain € 60 million
  • 6.Regno Kingdom of € 9.23 million

  • 1. Italy € 16.3
  • 2.Francia € 8.1
  • 3.Germania € 6.3
  • 4.Spagna € 2.1

  • 1.Italia
  • 150 000 € 105 000 €
  • 2.Austria
  • 3.Germania 84 000 €

Here, this is "the only democracy who know" ... . them!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

What Is The Best Emu Oil For Hair

Highway 16 €

Last Sunday, the Minister of Justice Clemente Mastella, that if the Legislature ended today would be remembered only for a few thousand inmates released from prison, has been tweaked to use the state aircraft to travel to Monza circuit see the Formula 1 Grand Prix. "I only asked for a move to Williams" replied Mr. Remission. Already I feel Mastella, catholic in heaven on a cloud, which is hitchhiking, and Williams who approaches and asks "'s house, Clem?". Apart from the fact that at this point we should ask Rutelli, who had to attend event, so urgent that the public have to use the fuel, but then can someone explain to Dott.Mastella that a change could Alitalia also ask, maybe paying a ticket? A few months ago I delivered an appeal to the Registrar of a court, I was politely asked to make an extra copy for their archives because they did not have paper for photocopying. Next time I would like the chancellor to go directly to the paddock at Monza to ask the paper to the minister and maybe already there, could give a lift home the poor Clemente, thus avoiding the possibility that it could load it with Rutelli OUR air with his thumb while he is out on a cloud.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Im Spitting Out Green Mucus

Business Partner Solution: Go to

Internet Phone Dialer and never as fast, secure and economic association with China.

Net, thanks to its solution, called China Connect, allows organizations to the link between the Italian and European headquarters and their offices or subsidiaries in China , as if all were residing in single location both for data transmission, and for application sharing, both for the telephone communication, with obvious savings in terms of infrastructure, time and costs.

Compared to the traditional path of Internet connections, which provides data communication between Europe and China always proceeds from the United States, China Connect solution has a path opposite to the current ones and much shorter, via Europe and Asia , thanks to the interconnection exclusive Enter Net with ICT, Swiss operator for many years in China. From the points of connection between the main networks (POP) is then possible to connect all the 31 provinces of China through partnerships with carriers licensed premises.

For Information: CHINA (Shanghai)

Alberto Fattori

Innovation & Development Agency for China

Palazzo Lombardia
Pudong - Shanghai (China)

Tel. VOIP ITALIANO: +39 02 303123673
Email: mailto: alberto.fattori @ agenziacina.com
Skype: albertofattori
Gtalk: albertofattori@gmail.com
Tel. CINA: +86 21 58349900
Fax CINA : +86 21 58344362

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

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Monday, June 4, 2007

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Sunday, June 3, 2007

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Thursday, May 31, 2007

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"Innovation Import" Roll

A phrase seems to put all agree when we talk of "Made in Italy: " must innovate."

But perhaps the word, innovation, there are ambiguities that contains the word itself.

My reflection on this subject is daily, but in particular it is materialized in this post, a few days ago, reading a blog post of Director of Cefriel Fuggetta, on the subject.

With acuity, was reported to say many, many suggest, but few are at the end and I would add WRONG.

In fact, the greatest innovations are often not the result of research planned and completed successfully, but are the result of errors, often coarse, sometimes unbelievable.

They range from a cheese gone bad over the years become a DOC product, and ending with SMS "invented by mistake" by the telephone operators. If anyone remembers the Business Plan of the operators at the time, the "SMS" does not exist, as considered only a backup system on the network.

At the end of that "innovation" is spoken?

innovations and there are many different types, but living in China live the present moment you notice that they all have in common a fundamental point: try to innovate even at the cost of making a mistake .

On Chinese television this issue is so clear, the mistakes, which shows every day when they are offered case studies of Chinese entrepreneurs.

For each presentation does not start from the bottom (the success), but part of illustrating the difficulties and failures that the entrepreneur has had.

The failure, often repeated, the mood of the moments where, candidly admit, they thought they did not succeed in resolving the issue. The component of economic risk, and human pressures on people around.

And this approach in presenting the entrepreneurial success, the Chinese put it is in speaking of high tech innovation in the "cultivation" of the fish or the local tourism industry.

short to innovate, innovate should WANT. Have a real need.

But to innovate should be prepared to make mistakes, too many times. A failure.

To innovate, you need capital to support innovation in its development. But the financial system is currently structured finance for those who have a "track record" winning. But who is innovating, hardly possesses or may possess even a basic fact: winning innovation is unique, irreproducible .

So even if you've been successful, the next you have to start over, with no memory of your past successes, strong trained only in your ability to address the errors and difficulties encountered and should be rectified.

So there is no perfect consultant to innovate, because if it is not involved itself in the process are unlikely to lead to really be innovative and as he said Fuggetta, who did only "maybe" can tell a credible story!.

That said, the Italian level of innovation is so low that in certain sectors has disappeared, just think of electronics, the great sorrow of my mentor Prof. Degli Antoni ..

The impression is that we are afraid to innovate.

But why? Simple. For fear of making mistakes over the years have used models and technologies that had already given some results in economic terms. This

over the years, has atrophied the ability to truly innovate, because the technologies and experiences were often American, apparently favoring the simpler "Innovation Import" to the more difficult "Best of Innovation".

So one of the goals of the Media Lab China is to finally try to innovate, dare really, joining the efforts of various skills, to try to achieve, support companies and the Made in Italy, in an internal market in strong growth, such as China but from which you can then also act at the international level, possibly together with the Chinese themselves.

So do not expect that the innovations we are sold at a price "balance", thus continuing to fuel our continuing "laziness innovative."

Italy and Italians, we can play an important role in China and China in the world, only if we remember how the various Fermi, Volta, Meucci and Leonardo were working and .... wrong!


Wednesday, May 30, 2007

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Monday, May 7, 2007

Walk Through Walls Gpsphone

Palazzo Lombardia (Shanghai) for the Promotion and Marketing of Made in Italy in China

Agency for China
at Palazzo Lombardia Shanghai

digital and interactive services for Marketing and Communication of Italian firms and Made in Italy.

Agency for China ( http://www.agenziacina.com/ ), promotes at Palazzo Lombardia of Shanghai CHINA MEDIA LAB, in order to support innovation in institutions and Italian companies, in Relationship Marketing, Promotion and Digital Communication Made in Italy "in China.

Research Laboratory on Digital Media and Design, organized in collaboration with the Consortium SAY ( http://www.consorziodite.it/ ), the CHINA MEDIA LAB at Palazzo Lombardia, through the cooperation of different Italian excellence involved, enables institutions and Italian companies have a concrete support in China, in a ctivities of relationship marketing and interactive digital communication in developing business and in the process of internationalization.

"It 's a necessary action to support the business activities of the Made in Italy" and strengthening the powers of Italy on the promotional plan and system technology, "said Alberto Fattori, responsible for Innovation and Development Agency for China and coordinator of CHINA MEDIA LAB at Palazzo Lombardia.

"Italian companies seeking to enter or are already on the Chinese market, China objects do not have the promotional tools and appropriate technology, so this experience does not turn into an opportunity wasted or even worse, a nightmare,"

" CHINA MEDIA LAB , laboratory research and design on interactive digital media, specifically for the Chinese market, aims to bring together Palazzo Lombardia the best skills and the Italian projects on the theme of relationship marketing and interactive digital communication, enabling institutions and Italian companies to overcome the technological gap and communicational skills current. "

" From the union of Italian creativity in the field of digital communications and advertising with logistics and support services business in China Palazzo Lombardia (6 floors of 10,000 square meters), institutions and Italian companies can now be able to compete at last on an equal footing with other nations, the Chinese market. "

interconnect and communicate with Italian creativity is in short the mission of CHINA MEDIA LAB in order to be an instrument that could strengthen the Italian system, as called Ambassador Sessa in his recent visit to Palazzo Lombardia , helping to achieve practical solutions that can overcome language and cultural barriers that inhibit the action today objectively Italian in China.

"The CHINA MEDIA LAB, fulfills the requirements of the scenario of the China market is changing rapidly. Predominantly driven by export and outsourced production, now, encouraged by the Chinese government, the domestic market is growing rapidly. As proof of this, only to witness the true proliferation of outlets and shopping centers in several major Chinese cities and the growing number of shops in the "Made in Italy .

"But in this ever-increasing presence Italian, does not match any communicative action in support of the Italian Style, and then in some markets for us historians, such as agribusiness, the Americans and French are the masters, with our traditional products, such as pizza, wine and coffee. "

" We run the risk that the failure and inability to communicate so far shown by these institutions and Italian companies, it seriously endangers the placements also considered "untouchable", such as those of fashion and luxury goods under the action of the more incisive Chinese brands themselves and those from other Asian economies, such as the Indiana "

With CHINA MEDIA LAB , Palazzo Lombardia, strengthens its willingness to be the place and the strategic partner for Italian companies in China, now also for all activities of relationship marketing, tracking and digital communications, to promote fundamental the best MADE in ITALY directly on the Chinese market and Asia.

" L 'Agency for China and Lombardia Palace with its 10,000 square meters and its six floors are for 10 years, the contact point for the Italian company with the realities and opportunities in China, through the established relationships with the market and the Chinese authorities. Only the Germans can boast the presence of our best in terms of space available for businesses. "

" So Palazzo Lombardia, is increasingly the place where the institutions and Italian companies may be able to develop their own initiatives for the Chinese market, a real Business Incubator at their disposal. "

The CHINA MEDIA LAB is a goal - open structure able to continue to welcome further expertise and excellence that can add up to those of the first order already present, to make them available to the institutions and Italian companies, such as active tool to help them truly improve their competitiveness in developing its business in China and Asia and build a better future.

A coordinate CHINA MEDIA LAB Alberto at Palazzo Lombardia factors, a major Italian experts in interactive digital communication, having in years contributed to achieving the other digital interactive projects for the Holy See, Telecom Italy, Enel, Mondadori, Pirelli, Banca Intesa, the Scala Theatre, now in charge of Innovation and Development Agency for China and the Director General of the Consortium DITE.

For information on CHINA MEDIA LAB:

How to join the CHINA MEDIA LAB:
membership CHINA MEDIA LAB is free. (Application form )

How to enable a Virtual Office at Palazzo Lombardia
How to add your own logo with links between the partners China Media Lab

For more information:

CHINA (Shanghai)

Alberto Fattori

Innovation & Development Agency for China

Palazzo Lombardia
Pudong - Shanghai (China)

VOIP ITALIAN Tel: +39 02 303123673
Email: mailto: @ alberto.fattori agenziacina.com
Skype: Gtalk albertofattori
: albertofattori@gmail.com
CHINA Tel: +86 21 58349900 Fax
CHINA: +86 21 58344362

ITALY (Milan)

Elena Cadeo
Agency for China
Via Marcona , 37

elena.cadeo @ agenziacina.com

Tel: +39 02 743 445
Fax: +39 0270001104