Sunday, September 2, 2007

Im Spitting Out Green Mucus

Business Partner Solution: Go to

Internet Phone Dialer and never as fast, secure and economic association with China.

Net, thanks to its solution, called China Connect, allows organizations to the link between the Italian and European headquarters and their offices or subsidiaries in China , as if all were residing in single location both for data transmission, and for application sharing, both for the telephone communication, with obvious savings in terms of infrastructure, time and costs.

Compared to the traditional path of Internet connections, which provides data communication between Europe and China always proceeds from the United States, China Connect solution has a path opposite to the current ones and much shorter, via Europe and Asia , thanks to the interconnection exclusive Enter Net with ICT, Swiss operator for many years in China. From the points of connection between the main networks (POP) is then possible to connect all the 31 provinces of China through partnerships with carriers licensed premises.

For Information: CHINA (Shanghai)

Alberto Fattori

Innovation & Development Agency for China

Palazzo Lombardia
Pudong - Shanghai (China)

Tel. VOIP ITALIANO: +39 02 303123673
Email: mailto: alberto.fattori @
Skype: albertofattori
Tel. CINA: +86 21 58349900
Fax CINA : +86 21 58344362


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