Monday, October 15, 2007

Brazilian Wax For Women

Why I have not voted in the primaries of the Democratic Party ... Stop

I opened this blog with a post on PD. This means that already did not believe at the time. Yet I had hoped so much in a single party. Finally, a break with the fragmentation of parties it covers (in negative) our country. Finally a political force in line with the broad paesei Europe. Finally, a response to those who, on the other hand, complained and denigrating a Cozzaglia initials rather than united by a desire to stay in the program chair.
But all that I have not seen. I have seen the merger of DS and Margherita, I saw a frantic race to the highest place of the secretariat of the party, I saw more defections that membership, I have not seen a serious program on the hot topics affecting the country, I saw the birth of PD has led the reconstruction, with so much to dust off the old code ... PSI !!... But they were gone? Or at least, was not called Forza Italy? I saw at the conference, Berlusconi said that the 95% he would be attending the new subject, I saw the primaries for granted, and more I've seen Veltroni promised that once elected secretary of the PD he would resign as mayor of Rome.
And, unfortunately, I saw the usual suspects to grasp this opportunity to respond to alternative movements such as the V-Day, that politics is not dead, that there is disaffection, etc. ... etc. ... denying once again the importance of 300,000 people took to the streets without a party symbol without a flag, only to manifest the desire to change this country. Tuttosommato that I still want to write with capital "P".
Well, I saw the usual scenes of the old, outdated, Italian politics.
For all this, I chose not to vote the primaries.


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