Friday, October 26, 2007

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lack of jurisdiction

Mario Lozano, the marine who killed Nicola Calipari at home while carrying Giuliana Sgrena, just released after being kidnapped in Iraq, will not be processed. Lack of jurisdiction. This was decided by the Third Court of Assizes in Rome. Once again, the Italian state sovereignty has been trampled by the will of the United States of America. Nobody wanted a show trial, no one wanted a shame the media, we just wanted the truth. They wanted to understand why the car back home an Italian journalist kidnapped in Iraq and an official of the earthquake that led to the release operations, the U.S. Army comes under fire. We wanted. We wanted to know if it was really a mistake, a fatality, as claimed by the United States. If something went wrong in communications. Or if Calipari and Sgrena were not to return to Italy alive. But not We'll never know. Why the man who fired will not be processed. As we will never know why 26 people died who only wanted to spend a vacation day on the slopes of the red-faced. In a post a few months ago I spoke of the liberation of Rahmatullah Hanefi, the Afghan who helped broker the release of Mastrogiacomo. At the time, and Gino Strada Hanefi acted as mediators with the Taliban. The negotiations ended with the release of Italian journalist in exchange for five Taliban prisoners. Berlusconi and Bush were outraged. They threw shit on the government, about Emergency, which closed the hospital in Kabul, on Gino Strada, on Hanefi. It is not with terrorists, thundered. Much better armed to make a blitz and present the state funeral of Lorenzo D'Auria, the soldier died in Afghanistan. Or those of Calipari. Welcome him as a hero as his coffin is wrapped in the flag. Today's hero, words of the widow of Calipari, was killed a second time. Today, however, no one was outraged. Berlusconi? Absent. Bush? Absent. The government? Absent. The State? Absent. Are present only at funerals. What these people feel ashamed. It does not invoke the lack of jurisdiction.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Second World War Flower Pin

The email I wrote to Levi

The blog of Beppe Grillo, in the post " The Levi-Prodi law and the end of the Net" reports the e-mail Ricardo Franco Levi, author of the absurd bill that would require anyone who has a website, blog, or similar network, must register with a register of the Communications Authority, resulting in forms, stamps and, most likely, various payments.
I, I did my duty. I wrote to this gentleman:

Hello Dr. Levi, are owner of a personal blog that does not read virtually anyone but my wife and 4-5 colleagues. What should I do according to his "fantastic" bill? Register with the ROC? But how do you give birth to such ridiculous things? You commit a lot or are you spontaneous? But then Levi, tell me the truth, but she knows what a blog? And Mr Prodi knows? No, I do not know. You are old. Have you been to the daily paper. A Bruno Vespa. A Mentone. To living. Teneteveli lounges. Do not want none. Let the network though. That's our stuff.

Friday, October 19, 2007

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Last night, finally, Annozero (and if you thought about it once or Vespa Mentana ...) we discussed the case of Vodafone. Following the sale of a business unit of Vodafone, 914 employees (all operators Call Center) were "sold" to a company called Comdata that, with all due respect, far from the telecommunications giant Vodafone as it is today. Employees hired maybe 10 years ago by a company of gender, have planned some kind of life, on loan, bought homes, built families, are today coming to terms with something new, emergent, which has no certain prospects for the future. Indeed, a worker said yesterday, the sales contract about the sale to Comdata and its subsidiaries. " This means that from one day to the other person can go from being an employee of one of the largest and most solid companies in Europe to Pincopallino Ltd, 8 employees that can close, fail, laid off within six months.
Nth result of precarious living in Italy for years, the son of Law 30, of bad governance, capitalism without capital, sales, divestitures, IPOs, climbing, etc ... etc. ... System that leads people to being "safe" to 20 to 40 years old and poor, with loans to pay, children to raise, houses to be built.

Life is Now.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

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I knew ...

I knew it would end like this. Could not end otherwise. It was the story that demands it. The money, incapable of directors, can not change the direction of history.
I knew it. I've always known. I know from 4 December 1994, the day of what we all now know as the "goal against Fiorentina." Beyond the technical act, the story got BEGINNING moments later. The frantic race towards what has since become your Curve. And 'all started there. Is a story that begins with a race like this can not end with a door slammed in his face and a slow walk toward the exit. No, because those races there have been many others, 10 100 1000 cities worldwide. I remember in Turin, Dortmund, Rome, Milan, Tokyo, Amsterdam, Manchester, Monaco, Glasgow, Florence, Parma. Everywhere. And I heard that it will be the last signature, and then is far from the last race. Do not think about it today. It 's over as it should end. But I ... I knew it.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Messages For A Baby Book

three hundred and sixty

are 365 ... morning I wake up at dawn ...
... are 365 days that I expect when I get home ...
... are 365 nights that make me sleep ...
Thank you all.

Happy Birthday Stella.


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Why I have not voted in the primaries of the Democratic Party ... Stop

I opened this blog with a post on PD. This means that already did not believe at the time. Yet I had hoped so much in a single party. Finally, a break with the fragmentation of parties it covers (in negative) our country. Finally a political force in line with the broad paesei Europe. Finally, a response to those who, on the other hand, complained and denigrating a Cozzaglia initials rather than united by a desire to stay in the program chair.
But all that I have not seen. I have seen the merger of DS and Margherita, I saw a frantic race to the highest place of the secretariat of the party, I saw more defections that membership, I have not seen a serious program on the hot topics affecting the country, I saw the birth of PD has led the reconstruction, with so much to dust off the old code ... PSI !!... But they were gone? Or at least, was not called Forza Italy? I saw at the conference, Berlusconi said that the 95% he would be attending the new subject, I saw the primaries for granted, and more I've seen Veltroni promised that once elected secretary of the PD he would resign as mayor of Rome.
And, unfortunately, I saw the usual suspects to grasp this opportunity to respond to alternative movements such as the V-Day, that politics is not dead, that there is disaffection, etc. ... etc. ... denying once again the importance of 300,000 people took to the streets without a party symbol without a flag, only to manifest the desire to change this country. Tuttosommato that I still want to write with capital "P".
Well, I saw the usual scenes of the old, outdated, Italian politics.
For all this, I chose not to vote the primaries.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

V Ideos De Famosas Cogiendo

technological development

Mediaset, the company is headed by former prime minister has clearly sided against the development of modern technologies. There is a site called Vcast ( www.vcast.i t) that allows you to bet a sort of electronic video channels clear: simply set start and end and issuer for a file with the desired entry. A convenient service to those who may not have a VCR or you forgot to program it to record your favorite program. Anything illegal. The service is available only on cable TV channels in the clear, no DTT, no Sky. And what's more, the recording, a self-imposed stating that you comply with the fee. Last night Mediaset has warned the guys that protect VCAST have suspended all registrations on Italia 1, Canale 5, Rete 4 and Boing. Mediaset is owned by Berlusconi, the man who during the election campaign trumpeting its three "I", which stood out clearly among the Internet. Today is changed. Internet is called upon by Mediaset, I do not know precisely on the basis of thing. Mediaset, just her. The company that for years illegally occupies a frequency assigned to the European Court has Europa7 and who insists on not to send Rete 4 satellite. There's really no limit to shame.

Friday, October 5, 2007

4 Days Late And Dry Cm

No comments ...

"I do not like the judge of ethics. The job can 'also create discontent." Annozero said in an interview with Sandro Ruotolo, the prosecutor Luigi De Magistris. "They are under inspection by about three years: this involves both the goodness' of detective work and a case that he's doing, I say this without wanting to be sarcastic, I mean the other for about a couple of years I spend Saturday and Sunday at having to defend, and I've lost count of parliamentary questions on my behalf. "" I have sworn allegiance 'to the Constitution and Article 3 and' a bulwark - added the judge. - I think I've received a lot of pressure and intimidation from their own institutional environments.