Thursday, February 17, 2011

Infected Toe After Pedicure

Church, coffee and Keith Haring

Here we go again, as I go to Pisa, step and have a coffee bar to Keith Haring and I stop to see and photograph this beautiful masterpiece, as you can see from the photos is perfectly at home with an architectural structure is typically Italian, a church, a mix of old and new that Italy should proliferate like wildfire if these results are .

Did you know that if you write the name of this great artist is the fourth item on google Keith Haring Pisa!?!?

However, in this moment of great national distress, as compared with 150 units of Italy celebrates the Year of the Dragon and his Arcore bunga bunga, I wish I got a bit 'of Stendhal syndrome, called Florence also syndrome, which causes me as well as tachycardia, dizziness, vertigo, confusion, even some hallucination that I subtract a bit for 'twenty years of this nightmare that never seems to end.
should be .. today to learn art and put aside, we'll see tomorrow ...

Good Night

photo: Meo


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