Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The International Colour Chart In Hairdressing

The ball does not

Another non-football Sunday. Another press conference. Another match postponed. Another run up to anyone who shoots bigger. Another study of who is right. They're right, everyone. He is right that those who say you should not play, respect for the families. He's right who say you should play, because it was an accident that has nothing to do with football. He's right the Palace, saying that the law exists and must be applied. He is right who says that we must prohibit transfers. He is right who says that we must end the season. There was a scuffle in motorway services, there has been no, it was an accident, the driver did not see him. Just as a "round" ago. The policeman fired into the air, no tripped, had no arms extended, had the chains, they were running away. The truth is better not to let her out. It 'better to do millions of assumptions, processes and appeals. It 'a better ex-prefect terminating a curve for a glass, but defends those who have laid waste to an entire city on fire. It 'best not to require companies to ensure safety in football stadiums and manage travel.
It 'better to do it to the state. At least, since all are right, there is at least one that is wrong.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Recipes Usingpound Cake Mix

Free Tibet

Buddhism is one of the few religions that have never created wars, not invaded areas have triggered the attacks. It 's a real religone Peace. It is not a religion of attack, is a religion that defends itself. Defends itself from attack by the Chinese government since 1950. Unmilioneduecentomila Tibetans killed during the Cultural Revolution. Thousands of monasteries destroyed. Despite this, the Dalai Lama does not require more independence, but autonomy in the region of Tibet and respect for human rights. It is limited to describing the facts in two words: cultural genocide.
Meanwhile in Rome, the highest authority of the greatest monotheistic religion of the world issued a call to stop the violence in Iraq, forgetting the repression of Lhasa. Much more politically correct to talk about Iraq. Much more tricky to make a small reference to the massacres of Tibetan monks. "There are some news," said the Vatican. Maybe they want to see the corpse of a Monaco would not believe it.
The Dalai Lama came to Italy and was not received by any political authority. Neither right nor left, nor of the center. No mention of the shameful political repression perpetrated by the Chinese government. All pledged to make U.S. dollars with China, to sponsor the Olympics. Bush was to say to avoid the use of force. Him 'as if Riina goes to the police station to report the theft of the bicycle.

The Dalai Lama on the other hand not has not supported the boycott of the Olympics. This is a true man of peace, awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989. But no one remembers it. Politicians, Presidents, Popes. Better to talk about Iraq.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Robert R Updegraff Biography


Anger is a feeling ancient, primordial. Ever since, man has always pissed. Wandering around the sites of psychology I find that for most of the theories anger is a typical reaction to frustration and coercion, both physical and psychological. Good. With these few words I understood the source of my anger. The anger that comes over me turning the damn rectangle thirty-two inches diagonally. E 'guilty of duress and psychology to see that the words spoken during the campaign are the same as 2006. That was the same in 2001. That they were the same as '96. Which in turn were the same in '94. I will stop here, because before I was a teenager without anger. Or at least free from this kind of anger. And not only are the words repeated. Even the faces are the same. They are always repeating the same things, with the same words. Higher salaries, research support, certainty of punishment, reduction of bureaucracy, development of the South. The usual platitudes. Programs that appear to be photocopied. No one who uses new words. No one who comes to teleworking, zero waste, alternatives incineration of waste materials. No one who talks about wi-max. Or rather, no one talks about wi-max public and not private. Then when you are tired of talk shit then obvious that they are not in heaven or on earth. The program of the Democratic Party's written quote: modernize Italy means choosing priorities as infrastructure and environmental quality [...]. Yes plants to produce clean energy, the regasification plants, waste-to [...] . Improving the environmental quality with incinerators is an oxymoron. From wikipedia: L ' oxymoron is a figure of speech in the approach and consists of two terms in sharp contrast between them. Examples: warm shiver, lucid madness, silent scream, disgusting pleasure, the naked man with his hands in his pockets, hot ice, infinite moment, silence is deafening. Here, we can add with clean energy incinerators. The incinerators, better and more properly known as incinerators, the only thing they produce are tumors. But there are those who say otherwise. And who says contario was nominated by the Democratic Party and a win will almost certainly be Minister of Health. These people are nominated to the Minister of Health, these people here, instead, is forced to fend for themselves on the internet to cry its alarm.
For the record, the program of the PDL, or as cxxxo you call, I will not even read it, because one time is equal to that of Pd, two because my stomach is strong, but I will not take it to the limit. My anger rises
then if I go down the street. Increase watching the resignation of people who self-condemnation to the "so are all the same", "whoever wins will not change anything." No, I will not resign. There must be a solution, a way to really change things. And then I'm looking for. I search on blogs, on youtube, forums. I seek in direct confrontation with people, without intermediaries corrupt means. I search technology that allows me to discuss solutions with someone new that is a hundred, thousand, ten thousand miles from here. So I try to feel the air is different, that words are not the same, that there is a minimum of enthusiasm. But then I have the feeling that the solution is almost unattainable. Which is far away. You are put a spoke in the wheel just to avoid discussing, to confront. That enthusiasm is drugged and sedated by television, football, the reality show, from the bottoms of tissue, from machine to players from Sunday's gossip. And then, perhaps beginning to understand that the reason all those "so are all the same." On one hand, resigned, on the other euphoric and anxious to respond. And the result is a single,
bubbling, volcanic, full ... anger.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Creative Masterbatiob

The product

This past weekend, all football fans (as well as those to which calcium just do not care) attended the first experiment that has been baptized, inventive print from our "stew." The stew is to play the matches of the day in days and hours so as not to Superimpose two races of the cartel. The first experiment was riusltato: Livorno-Inter on Saturday at 16, 18 at Milan-Parma, Juve-Roma to 20.30. The rest Sunday at 15. The managing director of AC Milan and former President of the Football League Adriano Galliani said he was favorable to the stew, because it enhances the product. " Already, the product. For Mr. Galliani football has become a product. A commodity. A commodity. I do not want the moralist. Galliani eat with football. And eat fat. However, there are those like me, so football is still passion. Passion Mr Galliani. There are those who do not care about his product anything. We are many. We are those who do not care nothing about the advances of the postponement of capital gains, the G14. Those who subscribe to SKY just because they did not make it without. And because the stadium ... once ... pù now is always tough. Those that football is "sorry Aimeri are Ciotti and I rise to indicate that the Olimpico Juventus took the lead thanks to a stunning free-kick Platini. "Those games are played at two and a half to four in winter and spring. Those goals can be seen at six to ninetieth minute and a maximum of up to eight RaiDue time you see a lot more beautiful. Those who have it only replays Carlo Sassi on Domenica Sportiva. Those are the foreigners Milan Hatley and Wilkins, of Juventus Platini and Boniek , Inter Rumenigge and Diaz. There are those that can not stand 99 on top. The holders are from one all'undici panchinari and from twelve to sixteen. And the number 1 and number 12 are the goals. There are those 2 and 3 are the fullbacks and 7 and 11 are the wings. Not the external ups and downs. Dear Galliani here we are. You talk about the product. Your product is profit. Thou emotions in front of the merchandising revenue from premiums and UEFA. We do not. We prove emotions again for more. A little 'less than before, because the product, among other things, it becomes increasingly poor. But still there emotions in front of the play of Ibrahimovic, the acceleration of Kaka, the madness of Cassano, Del Piero and the eternity of Maldini. We're putting the whole, you and your colleagues to make us stop thrill. It 'an open battle. On the one hand there is us, the other your product. I do not know who will win. But honestly I'm pretty pessimistic.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sewing A Shower Curtain

Eyes low

AnnoZero last episode of the show I sat saddest of Italian politics. But a show that draws at the same time the reality of politics today. A policy away, unable to look into the eyes of people. Oscar is a guy my age. He lives in White, buildings constructed in a neighborhood of asbestos Rogoredo, south-eastern outskirts of Milan. Oscar took the floor. Senator Colombo has just completed a long dissertation on the color and age of Berlusconi. "The other day another friend of ours got sick. Three tumors. One brain, one in the testis and a lung. How much you earn? Ten thousand € a month? And speaking of the color of Berlusconi. "Debuted Oscar. Shaved heads, tattoos. It 's a growing anger. Anger that the laws in the eye. And he continues." Maybe for me, all kick your ass. "" They complain that people go to steal. And thanks to the fucking. "" There is no money to dismantle the asbestos from the White. Two thousand euro you remove them you two thousand euro if she takes them off, you two thousand euro, another twenty two thousand euro bastards and remove the asbestos, so maybe you do not get sick anymore. "There is one thing that really makes an impression. It is I said before the sad spectacle. Ms. Prestigiacomo, the Honourable Franceschini, Senator Columbus have downcast eyes. Nobody has the courage to look Oscar in the eye. Oscar look for their eyes, provokes them. He did not answer. Only after Santoro gave the advertising, which tempers subsided, Franceschini try to answer. Try to use his language. "You can always throw shit on the policy." Prestigiacomo, who was nothing short of disarming until five minutes before, he defends himself. "I am a mother who works away from home and I was fighting organized crime." Now you no longer need anything. They could save yet another illustration of shit. For once, only once did not need words. Just one look. Just look at Oscar's eyes. The eyes of a boy who is telling you a tragedy that should not exist in the twenty-first century, in a country that is part G8. But our policy has shamelessly decided to react like that. With downcast eyes.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Dog Crates Conveted To Rabbit Cage

New textbooks

Maybe it's time to change the texts to be studied in school. Maybe it's time to cut here and there, maybe Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, with all due respect to charity. "Trim" a little 'Manzoni, a bit' Leopardi, a little 'Montale, and perhaps gain from these cuts a few months to give a little' of modernity in the twentieth century. Montanelli, De Andrè, Gaber. Gaber here just wanted to talk. In fact, I can not even talk. That I have "known" after his death, I will not do what I followed him from a life (even when he has Started because I was not there). And since I can not talk about it, I would like to talk about him. I know, I have already made millions of blogs around the net, but I want to do it on mine. Not for fashion, but the News of the words of conviction. Words that maybe copy and paste would be boring. So I tell them to you directly from him. If you have ten minutes of your time for reflection. I assure you will be ten minutes well spent. Hello Mr G, he continues to philosophize also up there.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tattoos With Silver Ferns

That night ...

was the night of April 10. The afternoon had flown away soon, too soon. The first exit polls described a historic victory. 4, 5, 7, 10 percentage points. Large majority that allows the building of a strong government that will never be kept in check by the whims of someone. Then the numbers were gradually pitted the famous "gap" narrowed even more. It did not seem even possible. Okay the "burloneria" of Italians in front of the exit polls, but mistakes of 7 points is something unthinkable. So put the champagne in the fridge in a hurry the night had arrived. I remember the frenetic zapping in front of a fourteen inches. Mentone, Vespa, Faith. Faith No no. Faith was just too much. It 'was probably one of the more confusing nights of Italian politics. At one point there were two winners and no vanquished. The cake was perfectly divided in half in the House, a handful of votes would decide the award of the majority. In the Senate he was going even worse. The majority of the premium on a proposed regional victory (by either side) a couple of senators, even became the decisive votes of Italians abroad. Then with the Chamber is "allocated" to the center for only twenty-four thousand votes and the Senate, however, was briefly in the center (in favor of a Senator, but not counting the votes of Italians abroad), Vannino Chiti, the employee Press secretary of the Democrats of the Left announce a declaration of Piero Fassino. Those are second in front of me as if they are living now. Gray jacket, face that do not convey emotion, emphasis in Turin: "Based on data presented to us, we declare that the center-left won the election." Stop. Scajola shouted to the coup (exaggerated), while in Piazza Santi Apostoli broke the party. Prodi went on the yellow trucks and the "Popular Song" sounded in the sky of Rome. I remember the thrill of that moment. It 's done Professor. We have sent home. And the Senate? I say: okay that Italian politicians are not scientists, but if one makes a statement like that is because it is aware that the vote Italians abroad is beneficial. It was night now, but nobody wanted to admit defeat. Finally, I pressed the red button on the remote control. Good night. Certainly no one imagined what would happen in the days ahead. Claims of fraud. Recounts. Requests for government wide arrangements (the famous German model). But the Professor pulled straight on his way. But since the first stirrings of that government the whole of Italy knew what would be the fate of the executive: to live with the blackmail of one and the pain of lack of majority. Of course I was hoping we in this government. I autoconvinsi the maturity of our MPs. But, alas, a few days later ... The election of the President of the Senate, "Pizzini" under the name Francesco Marini (instead of Franco), the thousands of votes for the election of the Head of State. Then the presentation of the government team. Di Pietro, without the Ministry of Justice instead is assigned to Mastella. Here is Professor, the omelet is done. From that moment I stopped believing. In fact, the pardon came, came the surveys taken in De Magistiris and Clementina Forleo, arrived disciplinary actions against these judges of the CSM that do not bend to the will of the policy. So not worth the trouble to believe it. To hope that the time is good, start to see a country in disarray. Where there is no certainty, there is no law, no respect for the environment, there is no technology. Look, that night I hoped that the government had talked about these things. Environment, legality, certainty of punishment, work and technology. Today disappears everything I had dreamed that night. I see the absurd triumphalism "of the other party," I hear talk of putting in place what the center left in tatters, as if "they" had not been in government for five long years. I see the usual condemnation of always choosing the lesser evil. Now I do not know what will happen. Maybe there will bridge the government, changing the electoral law. Surely sooner or later there will be a new campaign, new surveys, new exit-poll and a new long night. But now, less than a miracle, there will be no more dreams of "That Night."

Friday, January 11, 2008

Ballet Shoe Cake Trace

Letter to Antoine Lavoisier

Dear Doctor,
is with great regret that I inform you this morning that: his studies have not had anything. Years and years of research, nights on the books in the laboratory have no meaning. Please remember Doctor? With that emphasis, with what emotion he asserted "Rien ne if I lose, if cree rien ne? Doctor had made a great discovery. Nothing is created nor destroyed. Everything in nature can not be eliminated, but only transformed. He ran the eighteenth century, today after more than two hundred years No one has yet figured out. I know Doctor, I'm causing a big disappointment. You, the only Liberal regret after being guillotined, must listen to these things. Unfortunately not. I am writing from Italy, where in recent times (about the year two thousand and eight runs) we have a "small" problem of waste. They must know that every Italian today produces 524 kg of waste per year that are a total of 30 million tonnes. In some parts of Italy you can not dispose of, is not the way to reduce them, people do not want landfills or huge swathes of land on which to throw the whole thing. So, the people who govern us, has a brilliant thought. He forgets his studies, his research, his "Rien ne if I lose, if cree rien ne" and what it does? Decides that the best solution is to burn the waste. According to them, Doctor, in this way the waste disappear. Still, I guarantee, his law is studied and restudied in all schools in the world. But these people just do not know. E 'burning all convinced that the problem is solved. Burn. Incineration. But their cunning is that they do not call "incinerator" that incinerates, but we sell this infernal machine as the "incinerator." The mass, Doctor, they not only destroy, it is used. Now you think I'm all his esteemed colleagues, chemists, physicists, engineers, real genes. No Doctor, is only people without scruples. Many of them also affected. Who live on state subsidies shameful, devoted to these cars that go against His law. Because his Law, dear Doctor, it is still very valid. No one has ever doubted. In fact, this mass becomes how. It turns into something called nanopolvere, a powder consisting of particles of 0.1 microns in diameter that goes into the air. It is breathed by all of us. It hurt nanopowders. They cause diseases that are called lung cancer, soft tissue sarcoma, lymphoma, cardiovascular disease. This cause. And these people do not realize it Doctor, simply because they know his law. Or maybe because it deliberately ignores it. I'm sorry give her sorrow so great Doctor. Brought to its attention that her studies are not taken into account by Governments in the world. I would cheer her up by saying that there is some glimmer of hope. There are many people that His law knows it well. And try alternative routes. Streets that are called Recycle, zero waste, chemical treatment. There are people, they yes, his colleagues, but especially doctors, scientists, who speak of the dangers of nanoparticles. The increase in mortality in areas near incinerators. Except that these people are not given a voice in the media closer to people. Television and newspapers. So they arrange on the Internet. I know Doctor, now I should explain what the television and about the internet. But I'll do it again.
I greet you with gratitude for having explained that if I lose it Rien, rien ne if Cree.

Friday, January 4, 2008

2 Month Old Choking On Phlegm

I n late, as the rest of my usual, but here I am. In 2008, almost 96 hours of life and are here to take a ride cards. The beauty of internet is this one. From a remote corner of Italy can I send greetings to the whole world. And then proceed ...
Happy New Year Mr Prodi, that 2008 be the year of revelation for you. The year he finally realizes that this country has an appalling unemployment, a huge number of temporary workers, a level of technology 20 years behind by the world. What I'm paying the monthly pension that someone who collects 60 years older than me, but no one is paying me.
Dott.Berlusconi Happy New Year, best wishes to you also knows that this is not a good year when you finally realize that its position in parliament is at least of place. Speaking of legality, justice, judiciary, you and the United States of America could not make even the janitor or the postman. The year in which the persecution will stop talking to you and to your business and realize that if indeed there was a persecution (or at least the application of the Act) at this time sentence would have some more and some less prescription, and would perhaps up to two television networks, as the third deals with the Barna illegally in the ruling of the European Court.
Holiness Happy New Year, Happy New Year to you and Happy New Year Cardinal Bagnasco and Ruini. May the Good Lord be with you in your job as pastors of souls and leaders of the Church. But to help you finally understand that, and only that, it's your job. The Italian state is a secular state as enshrined in the Constitution. That the policy is made in parliament (unfortunately) and that the Church can not interfere in the life and laws of the State, as well as the state does not interfere in the life of the Church. None has ever asked you, Holy Father, the priests to marry, and no one ever asked you, Your Eminence, to pressure because the priests guilty of pedophilia were excommunicated.
Dott.Veltroni Happy New Year. 2008 will be the year of the Democratic Party. With the hope that is not the usual movie seen and reviewed. I would not have believed from the beginning, I hope, I hope as a citizen of this country, having to think again.
Happy New Year President Bush. A few more months (maybe too much) and will be part of it. Then President, please, throw away the box of Risk, Call of Duty video games and DVDs of Full Metal Jacket. Bring your grandchildren to the park to the stadium to watch the Super Ball, go with his wife to the theater and film. No longer do you think the war President. Happy New Year
Gino Strada, a sincere wish to you. Paradoxically, I would hope that it is your last year of work, because it would mean that all wars are over. But unfortunately I know that your retirement is still years away. I fervently hope.
Happy New Year Dr. Dr. Forleo and De Magistris (although I would call you Louis and Clementine), would that in 2008 you could get back your survey and you could continue your great work. I know it is utopia, but at the beginning of the year is allowed to dream.
Beppe Happy New Year, for 2008, still full of battles to fight and kick your ass to pull. Not give up.
Happy New Year Mark, last reporter left. May your words strike again once the Bond, Cuffaro, the Dell'Utri and all representatives of the dirty side of the country.
Happy New Year Old Lady, in less than 6 months what will be a dream, perhaps utopian, but it's worth believing.
And finally ... Happy New Year to someone who also in 2008 that there will be. You have been silenced forever. We will never know who did it or at least do not say never. You'll be up there to complete the process of peace that you wanted to ride in that tormented land. Happy New Year Benazir.