Friday, January 4, 2008

2 Month Old Choking On Phlegm

I n late, as the rest of my usual, but here I am. In 2008, almost 96 hours of life and are here to take a ride cards. The beauty of internet is this one. From a remote corner of Italy can I send greetings to the whole world. And then proceed ...
Happy New Year Mr Prodi, that 2008 be the year of revelation for you. The year he finally realizes that this country has an appalling unemployment, a huge number of temporary workers, a level of technology 20 years behind by the world. What I'm paying the monthly pension that someone who collects 60 years older than me, but no one is paying me.
Dott.Berlusconi Happy New Year, best wishes to you also knows that this is not a good year when you finally realize that its position in parliament is at least of place. Speaking of legality, justice, judiciary, you and the United States of America could not make even the janitor or the postman. The year in which the persecution will stop talking to you and to your business and realize that if indeed there was a persecution (or at least the application of the Act) at this time sentence would have some more and some less prescription, and would perhaps up to two television networks, as the third deals with the Barna illegally in the ruling of the European Court.
Holiness Happy New Year, Happy New Year to you and Happy New Year Cardinal Bagnasco and Ruini. May the Good Lord be with you in your job as pastors of souls and leaders of the Church. But to help you finally understand that, and only that, it's your job. The Italian state is a secular state as enshrined in the Constitution. That the policy is made in parliament (unfortunately) and that the Church can not interfere in the life and laws of the State, as well as the state does not interfere in the life of the Church. None has ever asked you, Holy Father, the priests to marry, and no one ever asked you, Your Eminence, to pressure because the priests guilty of pedophilia were excommunicated.
Dott.Veltroni Happy New Year. 2008 will be the year of the Democratic Party. With the hope that is not the usual movie seen and reviewed. I would not have believed from the beginning, I hope, I hope as a citizen of this country, having to think again.
Happy New Year President Bush. A few more months (maybe too much) and will be part of it. Then President, please, throw away the box of Risk, Call of Duty video games and DVDs of Full Metal Jacket. Bring your grandchildren to the park to the stadium to watch the Super Ball, go with his wife to the theater and film. No longer do you think the war President. Happy New Year
Gino Strada, a sincere wish to you. Paradoxically, I would hope that it is your last year of work, because it would mean that all wars are over. But unfortunately I know that your retirement is still years away. I fervently hope.
Happy New Year Dr. Dr. Forleo and De Magistris (although I would call you Louis and Clementine), would that in 2008 you could get back your survey and you could continue your great work. I know it is utopia, but at the beginning of the year is allowed to dream.
Beppe Happy New Year, for 2008, still full of battles to fight and kick your ass to pull. Not give up.
Happy New Year Mark, last reporter left. May your words strike again once the Bond, Cuffaro, the Dell'Utri and all representatives of the dirty side of the country.
Happy New Year Old Lady, in less than 6 months what will be a dream, perhaps utopian, but it's worth believing.
And finally ... Happy New Year to someone who also in 2008 that there will be. You have been silenced forever. We will never know who did it or at least do not say never. You'll be up there to complete the process of peace that you wanted to ride in that tormented land. Happy New Year Benazir.


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