Use when you need a CMS? and what is the best CMS!? There is the best CMS but CMS for various different needs ..!
For each customer the most important thing is to understand what need to gather all possible information on the basis of those to choose from ..
- a CMS (Joomla!, Drupal, TYPOlight, WordPress, Frog, ReadyContent, ReadyCommerce, ZenCart, Magento .. and the list goes on for long ..) CMS does not mean (as so ignorant they think) that the site is "ready-made" but only that there is a highly customizable and configurable platform below basic.
- a custom solution , written from top to bottom with various programming languages \u200b\u200b(PHP, Perl, Java, Flash .. and here too the list goes on!)
If the client wants to access your site will be updated, it is very useful for the customer to have in our hands a CMS, but if you want custom high-level customizations, including the backend access and modification of the content will be custom materials come custom .. the important thing is to know that ... all you can do, just know how to invent
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