Thursday, December 24, 2009

Magnetic Tape Reader And Writer

How to change blogger

Yes, I'm changing the blog, as I did? here the last tutorial that I post on this blog, because our services are from now on my blog, at: which is then mapped also on the second level domain (tutorial future)

How to export a blog in blogger
As you know, create a blog with Blogger is easy and fast, a limitation is the fact that it is connected to your e-mail address, when you want, as it happened to me , stop using a gmail email address, your blog is "linked" to the old account ... so how do? Export the blog!

1. From the backend "bulletin board" click "Settings"
2. Settings -> "Export blog" (if you click on the image to enlarge)

3. you'll like this one. xml file with all your posts written so far, and pictures of course! at this point ... Imported ...

How to import a blog on blogger wants to have a Blogger
. Xml file, because you have just saved from the "old blog" here is that within the "bulletin board" -> "Settings" -> "Import blog" and you're done!

course you need to configure the template again if you had the custom, but at least all of you the following "writings" are safe!

So .. I'll see you here:

Sunday, November 29, 2009

How Much The Braces Cost In Lebanon

blog about how to make a template with TYPOlight

To resolve this question, I found a post that is definitely in your case, written by Mark Damian, find the documentation in Italian It is always a nice surprise, can be downloaded here deliver

The Tutorial divides the procedure to make / convert a template in TYPOlight in 5 stages:
  1. Create the template html in TYPOlight
  2. Import and place the CSS styles
  3. create modules that make up the site template designed
  4. assemble modules in a layout
  5. Assign Layout at the root of the site (or the affected area)
There still seems too difficult? Then look for the themes of Free TYPOlight templates, or ask the undersigned to make you one: P

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Conversation Protocol

TYPOlight What?

Never heard of TYPOlight? Like many others in circulation, it is an open source web content management, what in slang is called "CMS".

The advantages of this platform is state of the structure of the system that offers a high standard of safety and allows you to develop web sites, search engine optimization and make accessible to people with disabilities. With

TYPOlight you can do many things, a code is very flexible, but we're talking about an advanced content platform, for professionals, so do not expect a concept of structure that we see in a WordPress (CMS platform equally valid, but very easier to use, even those who do not know anything about web language).

TYPOlight demands to be studied a bit, at least as Drupal, and later became an excellent tool.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Jason 323 Comet Chaser When Was It Manufactured

What is the best way to make a site?

This is a question that I have always done , noticing that every time there is no single answer for everyone.

Use when you need a CMS? and what is the best CMS!? There is the best CMS but CMS for various different needs ..!

For each customer the most important thing is to understand what need to gather all possible information on the basis of those to choose from ..
  • a CMS (Joomla!, Drupal, TYPOlight, WordPress, Frog, ReadyContent, ReadyCommerce, ZenCart, Magento .. and the list goes on for long ..) CMS does not mean (as so ignorant they think) that the site is "ready-made" but only that there is a highly customizable and configurable platform below basic.
or ..
  • a custom solution , written from top to bottom with various programming languages \u200b\u200b(PHP, Perl, Java, Flash .. and here too the list goes on!)
How to decide one or the ' Another method?
If the client wants to access your site will be updated, it is very useful for the customer to have in our hands a CMS, but if you want custom high-level customizations, including the backend access and modification of the content will be custom materials come custom .. the important thing is to know that ... all you can do, just know how to invent

Monday, October 26, 2009

Maxi Mounds And Chelsea Charms

What is a mock-up and how it works?

days ago it happened that make me a customer's request:
"I need a mock-up for this project"
.. and I said "huh?"
So I checked and I share this information with you, so you will not be unprepared if you are asked to make one! :) The

mock-up is the task of reproducing an object (or model) scale. Who is running a mock-up is called "mock-up artist .

How does a mock-up?
Depending on the project you choose the technique to produce this model in order to give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the customer will be realized. To do this it should be noted these simple rules
  1. draw attention to using colors and shapes with different sizes from the original
  2. built than the original material (sbizzarritevi)
  3. that need not fulfill the functions or the use of the original object, is just an object that resembles the original or must give a visual idea.
In this way the mock-up differs markedly from the model or prototype.

Today the activities of the mock-up artist is also aimed at web design and prototyping in 3D, which is used by engineers to design and configure complex products. What do you think? Mock-uppiamoci!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Compering In A School Function

How to save a gif file with the Gimp?

In the previous tutorial we talked about jpg and NGOs, and now we move on to talk about gif (see here on wikipedia)

When and why to save a gif image?
A) if we are doing an animation (I will discuss later)
B) if we want to maintain the transparency of the
C) if we want a compressed image and very light
D) if we do not have a blurred image mainly

Formats pills
* = gif is transparent, no shades, light medium quality =
* png = yes transparency, gradients, is heavy
* = jpg quality = no transparency, nuances, the quality = average weight

1. File -> Save As
2. Dialog box to save the image in your PC to write this: image. Gif will open this dialog box:

3. Export the image by clicking on "Export" and you'll see:

If we are saving a simple picture (no animation) in a number of paramet we will see them grayed-out, just because the parameters of the animation ( timing delay in milliseconds, etc.)

We can write some comments, which will remain in the picture, Or delete everything and then ..

4. Click "Save" at the end of the window is safe and our gif (ta)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Women Waxing There Penuis

How to save a file in PNG with the Gimp?

In the previous tutorial we talked about the save format jpg, now move on to want to save our image in the format "png" What does it mean? Let's see him

1. File -> Save As

2. By clicking the "Save As" dialog box opens to save the image in your PC at this point we write immagine.png
(see here on wikipedia) The

png gif format is similar to the (more format used primarily for images without shades and animations) retains the transparency of the image (the one that does not happen with the jpg) has a good data compression, but retains all the characteristics of

Formats pills
* = gif is transparent, no nuances, media quality = slight (future tutorial)
* png = yes transparency, gradients, is as heavy
* = jpg = no transparency, gradients, quality is average weight =

The dialog box for PNG is the following:

It can ease a little if we decide not to save your comments until the date of creation, scrambled into the same image.
Touching the level of compression there too, the higher the value (eg. 9) and higher compression = less weight.

3. Now click on "save" at the end of the window and you're done!

In the next tutorial in how to save gif, why, and when you need it!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Best Tv For Motorhomes

How to save a jpg file with the Gimp?

A tutorial on how to save an image, say it's something simple, just click, but you're really saving the most of your image?
Save a picture also means deciding on the format, the compression and quality.

Formats pills
* = gif is transparent, no nuances, average quality = slight (future tutorial)
* png = yes transparency, gradients, is heavy
* = jpg quality = no transparency, gradients, quality is average weight =

Let's see all the parameters for a rescue jpg.

1. File -> Save As

2. By clicking the "Save As" dialog box opens to save the image in your PC to write this: image. Jpg
(want information about this format for saving images? See here on wikipedia)
The program will ask you to "export" the image by clicking "yes", opens the following dialog box

This dialog box appears that gives us the opportunity to choose the quality (and therefore the level of compressine) if we aim the box "Show preview in image window" we can see real-time as our images will be simultaneously and gives us the size (ie the weight in kb) of the image.

and advanced options?
if we click on the little black arrow opens a further part of the dialog box with a choice: *

Optimization (click on quadrattino always conglomerate)

* Progressive (How about yes, it works if the image is displayed prograssivamente loaded, then COPRESS better)

* subsampling : choose the method (from the more compressed than less compressed, all this goes to affect the final weight image)

3. Click on "Save" at the end of the window and you're done!

In the next tutorial how to save in png and what it means ...

Monday, October 12, 2009

Camillus Cuda Maxx 5.5 Knife

How to crop an image with the Gimp? How

here we are back with a tutorial for Dummies "for those who in fact is the first weapon with graphics programs (title taken from the famous series of books)

Scaling an image with the Gimp .. is easy! Thanks to the instrument
"cutter," [is the tool that I have highlighted with the red circle on the right.]

1. Open the image manipulation program Gimp

2. Open the image to be cropped File -> Open

3. Click on the "cutting tool"
With this tool, we turned to select the part of our image that we want to crop.
The tool creates a display to highlight what we want to cut out, while what is outside of the selection becomes dark, so as to highlight the area

4. Click twice quickly, in one of 4 corners of the selection created in this way, the selected portion is cut off from the image.

is that our image is cut out for good!

in the next tutorial for Dummies will tell you also how to save the image to compress the best .. images are too heavy a problem for the world wide web and for presentations soon!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tonic Water Arrhythmias

scale an image with the Gimp?

This tutorial is very easy, I realized that those who are completely fast graphics programs are also simple "scaling" the image and save it so compressed, it is not so simple a task, then I thought of writing sometimes the "Tutorial for denied. "

How to scale an image
1. Open the image manipulation program Gimp.
2. Open the image using File -> Open -> [select image]
3. From the horizontal menu Image -> Scale Image

4. Set the scale:

As you can see we can give different "parameters" to scale the image: *

width and height (which will remain proportionate if we let the padlock icon is closed), this we can define it in pixels (basic), but also in other units such as mm *

resolution that is expressed in pixels / in, ie DPI, that is, the dots per inch, the higher the number, the better the picture performance, but let us look well to the "what" we need the image if it is to be printed then 'll at 300 dpi, and should be read if only we can monitor the travel 72-100 dpi.

* quality, yet the scale of our original image we can decide whether the reduction process is more or less than quality, typically cubic interpolation (which is recommended) is of good quality.

5. Click on the "scale" and that's it ..!

in the next tutorial I will tell you for Dummies how to crop an image!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Gnome Projector Slides

how to change eye color with Gimp

I found this video on YouTube, the site because even if done by a German title of the video is "Augen farbe" (eye color) are equally well understood! :)

Maybe you are ever in life do not have to do something like that ... but it is always useful to know something .. make more! :)

In just a few steps:
- select the girl's eyes well with the tool "Free Selection"
- create a new layer and fill the selection with the color you want
- Put the new layer in the Layers dialog, in "Color"
- to correct a little bit to see the black of the pupil and that's it!

I've always dreamed of having green eyes .. I can now thanks to Gimp! : P

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sore When I Press On Stomach

How to create a multilingual site with Joomla

How many times have you happened to see sites with the google translator or other kinds of automatic, so that means .. a bit like he is, it certainly can give us an "idea" of what was written but is by no means a professional look. I found an excellent component for Joomla 1.5. Free that is right for me, complete translations splitting the site in multiple languages, as many if they want the name? JoomFish .

How to install
The installation is done from the control panel as a common component: Extensions -> Fixture Disitalla and load the file directly.

How do I configure
Once installed, you will find under the menu "Components". Revenue in JoomFish and you have a control panel pads

You see the picture in English, because I like to keep it so, even recommend it for some components because there is a lot more documentation in English that Italian, however you can put great in Italian, a good guide you can download it here:

not need large configurations, just want to know how to define that language under "Language Configuration" entered the Joom! Fish Language Manager to set the main language here and those in which translate the site

But I can translate the whole site?
It is completely the menu titles for each piece of content, enough to be a little careful with the parts that are going to change, the opportunity to translate the meta tags, then let us arm ourselves with good will and translate!

Ps: the site is duplicated, but the translation must be done externally and then inserted, which is why it is a serious form! :) W JoomFish !

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Playgroung Free Wideos

Why change style

I do not know if he's ever happened to you to drive around the network and see sites with good content, but with a graphical démodé .. here is in those moments it would take a hand to the mouse and sistematina also the graphics of the website, because as I have often said, is our calling card on the web.

If we have a site not updated (the latest update in 2003) with a heavy graphics, effects and edges that were fashionable in the era of primordial web .. here is that we need a facelift!

Do not be afraid to change, all were accustomed to your graphics and now who knows how to remain? Well if the site will improve will be satisfied to see a company that knows how to change your image and afferemerete! :)