Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Are Platypuses For Sale

And two ...

The shooting of the policy continues. Two shots two centers. Before the theft of investigations of "Why Not" De Magistris, now Clementina Forleo disciplinary action against you for requesting wiretaps on the Unipol case. Magistrat investigates the big powers and the powers that be broke down the judiciary. This is no longer a rule of law. I voted Prodi. Prodi and Mastella I want to know whether or not they are guilty of conspiracy, corruption, violation of the law on associations Anselmi secret, fraud, illegal financing of political parties. I want to know if D'Alema and Fassino has to do or not in the Unipol case. I want the courts investigate and tell me the truth. I ask. The priest because I voted. The claim even if there had voted. What makes me most angry is that Italians care little or nothing. They go to the gazebo for Veltroni and Berlusconi. Those interceptions I want to hear. Italians however, are concerned more conversations with Moggi Bergamo and Pairetto, because those sent Juventus to Serie B. D'Alema and Fassino buying a bank does not care about anyone. Meanwhile, Clementina Forleo
undergo disciplinary action. The Public Prosecutor of Supreme Court says, "Punish Forleo. In Italy it is punished because a judge has asked the six conversations between politicians who speak of a climb to a bank. The Forleo has called this "chronicle of an announced event." On Monday, the Superior Council of Magistrates will decide on his transfer. Hopefully not another "chronicle of an event announced." Forza Clementina.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Best Numerologist In Chennai Comments

E 'was born!

Labor is finished, the party came to light only. After 13 years of the Second Republic, the slow process of building the "new" political entity has concluded. No, not the Democratic Party. Nor is the party of freedom or whatever they call. It 's the Democratic Party founded by Freedom Belusconveltroni. We have made it. Now win the election. You have to see if the check will have to put one symbol on the card or will hide behind two different symbols. Should meet soon Berlusconi and Veltroni. Or maybe you have already met, I do not remember. Discuss how to change the electoral law. Or maybe discussing "if" change the electoral law. Model speak French, German, English, Arabic, turkish. Meanwhile, decide that the voter will not be able to choose their candidate. Then they will exchange cards. The defense to me, the inside of you. I infrastructure, justice thou. Celo Celo, noncelo. But sooner or later a fight. Who decides the prime minister? Will pull lots. Or will decide the allies. Those who now "dissociation." An dissociates. dissociates the UDC. The alloy dissociates. The "far left" dissociates (Berlusconi has even said that thanks to him the center-left "gets rid" of the far left). All are dissociated. But then "marrying the project." Why are their own faces on the cards printed above. Greetings and Welcome Guest
single party.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Fixing The Dongle Problem Guitar Hero

Hello ...

If they go, almost contemporary, two big ones. Two Masters. One of football, on and off the field, the other of Journalism. The one with a capital G. It is one of the masters of the area, one 20 years ago that put things in the field today, a lot of pseudo-pundits fill their mouths as if they had invented them. He leaves one who always spoke softly, never a controversy, never over the top. One that seems light years away from the screaming, the pushing, the kick in the ass, by the invasions of the field, by controversy, from the slow-motion replays that characterize today what was the best game in the world. He goes from the hills of Monferrato, where he had retired to make wine, away from the screen, the professor to do on television. He, the professor could have done and how. He won on the field and on the bench. He has won where all others have failed.
It VAA then one of those who have told the history of this country. But history, he has also helped to write it. He, who on 8 September of '43 not to enter the CSR decides to join the movement and joined the partisans in Bologna two years after the allied troops. So one could really tell the story. He leaves after a brief reappearance on television, the television from which was fired because he spoke ill of the government. It was cleansing. They sent him away from the RAI, its RAI. RAI that he had given so much in a half-century career.
We will miss these two masters, will be missed as we will miss that kick and that way of doing journalism. From there, perhaps, tell a story again and invent another version of the Paradise Area.
Niels Hello, Hello Enzo.