Friday, September 21, 2007

Motherboard Usb Internal

Italy Technology ... My

Now it's official. This country is technologically backward. It 'obvious, but most of the Italians just did not I want to notice it. Before there was perhaps a more careful and experienced eye to understand the technologies that every day we were served up were 10 years behind those in other countries. Today instead one of the most famous IT companies in the world (Apple) is launching its latest product around Europe (iPhone) attracting the interest of media and users. In Italy no. Italian newspapers on sites and the jewel of Cupertino is snubbed: it is UMTS, not send MMS. These two points of the many claims the iPhone. These people do not realize that the problem is the country where they live. The iPhone is not sending MMS and UMTS simply because it does not need to be UMTS and does not need to send MMS. The iPhone relies on technologies that are superior to UMTS and MMS. Technologies that are widespread in technologically advanced countries, but they see in Italy "against the light." The iPhone connects to the Internet Wi-fi. Now you can turn to the center of London, New York, Paris easily connected to the Net through a series of hot-spots that offer free access (is sponsored by the shops, bars and restaurants ...). In Italy this does not happen. The hot-spot Wi-Fi is just at airports, roadside restaurants and a few other places. The iPhone does not send MMS, but is able to handle a variety of e-mail account pop / smtp. If I send a picture to someone, in a technologically advanced country, send him an email and avoid spending a euro for a multimedia message. So, as I said before, I'm connected even while window shopping. Around the world, the iPhone is marketed by telephone operators with packages that offer a certain number of minutes of calls and data connection flat. In Italy, no operator does it, who knows why. Italians for their part, complain that the iPhone is not sending MMS and UMTS. The Italians themselves who are happy to have digital terrestrial technology useless when the government has spent € 3 billion public to buy the box from the brother of the premier interactive product.
But we are the World Champions.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Buy Guinness Dog Collar

These days people are talking about politics and anti-politics. One of about 1000 residing between Deputies and the Senate adopted the system Italian political parties based on "the only democracy that he knows." Maybe. But Confindustria (and not the blog of Beppe Grillo) published some data on the cost of politics in Europe and worldwide. Here they are:


  • 1.Italia of € 200.819 million
  • 2.Use 152 million €
  • 3.Germania 132 million €
  • 4.Francia 73 million €
  • 5. Spain € 60 million
  • 6.Regno Kingdom of € 9.23 million

  • 1. Italy € 16.3
  • 2.Francia € 8.1
  • 3.Germania € 6.3
  • 4.Spagna € 2.1

  • 1.Italia
  • 150 000 € 105 000 €
  • 2.Austria
  • 3.Germania 84 000 €

Here, this is "the only democracy who know" ... . them!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

What Is The Best Emu Oil For Hair

Highway 16 €

Last Sunday, the Minister of Justice Clemente Mastella, that if the Legislature ended today would be remembered only for a few thousand inmates released from prison, has been tweaked to use the state aircraft to travel to Monza circuit see the Formula 1 Grand Prix. "I only asked for a move to Williams" replied Mr. Remission. Already I feel Mastella, catholic in heaven on a cloud, which is hitchhiking, and Williams who approaches and asks "'s house, Clem?". Apart from the fact that at this point we should ask Rutelli, who had to attend event, so urgent that the public have to use the fuel, but then can someone explain to Dott.Mastella that a change could Alitalia also ask, maybe paying a ticket? A few months ago I delivered an appeal to the Registrar of a court, I was politely asked to make an extra copy for their archives because they did not have paper for photocopying. Next time I would like the chancellor to go directly to the paddock at Monza to ask the paper to the minister and maybe already there, could give a lift home the poor Clemente, thus avoiding the possibility that it could load it with Rutelli OUR air with his thumb while he is out on a cloud.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Im Spitting Out Green Mucus

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Alberto Fattori

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Skype: albertofattori
Tel. CINA: +86 21 58349900
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