Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sore When I Press On Stomach

How to create a multilingual site with Joomla

How many times have you happened to see sites with the google translator or other kinds of automatic, so that means .. a bit like he is, it certainly can give us an "idea" of what was written but is by no means a professional look. I found an excellent component for Joomla 1.5. Free that is right for me, complete translations splitting the site in multiple languages, as many if they want the name? JoomFish .

How to install
The installation is done from the control panel as a common component: Extensions -> Fixture Disitalla and load the file directly.

How do I configure
Once installed, you will find under the menu "Components". Revenue in JoomFish and you have a control panel pads

You see the picture in English, because I like to keep it so, even recommend it for some components because there is a lot more documentation in English that Italian, however you can put great in Italian, a good guide you can download it here: http://download.joomla.it

not need large configurations, just want to know how to define that language under "Language Configuration" entered the Joom! Fish Language Manager to set the main language here and those in which translate the site

But I can translate the whole site?
It is completely the menu titles for each piece of content, enough to be a little careful with the parts that are going to change, the opportunity to translate the meta tags, then let us arm ourselves with good will and translate!

Ps: the site is duplicated, but the translation must be done externally and then inserted, which is why it is a serious form! :) W JoomFish !

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

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Why change style

I do not know if he's ever happened to you to drive around the network and see sites with good content, but with a graphical démodé .. here is in those moments it would take a hand to the mouse and sistematina also the graphics of the website, because as I have often said, is our calling card on the web.

If we have a site not updated (the latest update in 2003) with a heavy graphics, effects and edges that were fashionable in the era of primordial web .. here is that we need a facelift!

Do not be afraid to change, all were accustomed to your graphics and now who knows how to remain? Well if the site will improve will be satisfied to see a company that knows how to change your image and afferemerete! :)