Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Have Nice Journey Sms

Adios Italy

overtaken by Spain. Watching us from above and tells us exactly ... Italy Adios! No, this is not the FIFA world rankings (which would piss off the vast majority of Italians, unfortunately), but this is the classification of Eurostat on per capita wealth. Spain overtakes us and is gone. The Prime Minister Zapatero's bet paid off. The news adds to the NY Times report on the "sadness" of Italy for a few days ago. In short, two beautiful bundles of Christmas. The times he called Italians "sad and angry," our system "depressed." Beppe Grillo also had quoted a spokesman for defining this anger with his "Reset" shouted in the face to the system. But our defense was playing in a game our beloved President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano., defining the Times article "pure nonsense". Returning to the case Grillo then stated: "With all due respect to the templates that you can take, it is forbidden to take as a model for a well-known Italian comedian understand Italian politics, even if it seems a bit 'too much, you should talk also how they are grown and kept, despite the strong euro, Italian exports. " Maybe, but intact, Eurostat said that a Spaniard of my age, doing my own work and that has the same family situation, has a higher purchasing power than mine. That, according to Eurostat, it is still above the European average (yes, but perhaps the media is "slightly" down after the enlargement to 25?). Maybe, but to make matters worse, the World Bank has compiled a ranking just yesterday in the purchasing power of 146 countries in the world, calculating GDP, exchange rate and inflation. Italy is the ninth, beaten by Russia and India. And even now it is under Brazil. Dear President, you can continue to say that they are all nonsense, but I really feel "sad and angry" and when I read these things, I want to say only two words: Adios Italy.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

How To Make Kundli About Future

Happy New Year Again!

Decameron, the new program has been criticized by Daniele Luttazzi La7 because it "offended" Berlusconi, Dell'Utri and Giuliano Ferrara. The phrase belongs to you (both audible and visible here) was considered offensive to Ferrara. Ferrara offends me every time I appear on television. I was offended when you are done frame while throwing eggs at the TV. Even Berlusconi and Dell'Utri offend me. The second in particular, for reasons well known. It 'time to stop the political satire that is angered by the attack. I feel offended as an Italian all the time "they" are in parliament and insult you menano, do chants, bring banners. I am outraged, I am ashamed to be Italian, but I can not censor them. I only weapon: the remote control. Change the channel and not watch them anymore. So and they should do all right-thinking people of this strange country. The complaint must be made by the people's consciences. If something offends me not look at it. Point.

Article 21 of the Constitution: Everyone has the right to freely express their thoughts in speech, writing or any other means of communication. The press can not be subjected to authorization or censorship.